Saturday, March 03, 2007

Traveling Sports Show- Can Spring be far behind?

December, January, and most of February were very tolerable here in SD. Then came the winter. From mid February through the last week we had cold, then some more cold and then the snow started. As of this writing we have about 15 inches on the flat - with some drifting in the 'countryside'.thanks to 30 to 40 mph winds. The snow dissipated early this morning and lo and behold olde Mr. Sun came out in all his brightness. The temps soared into the mid 20s - Mr Sun's rays started to do their thing and soon some of the streets were wet. It will be some time till it all goes away but for a while it was encouraging.

After the last 3 days most of which were spent inside, we were suffering from a small attack of cabin fever. 4 couples of us went out to the pizza buffet - pounded down some major carbs and chatted up the room for a while. The pizza wasn't to bad - the friendship shared was much better.

A sure sign of Spring happens this weekend -- the annual Sports Show starts Thursday night. complete with the multitudes of outfitter booths and displays - all featuring their 15 year old photograph albums of the big ones - and the trout fishing tank (has anyone every seen a trout caught from one of these tanks?) -- what better sign of spring can there be? Any way of course I will be going. I will try to take in one of the seminars on using a hand-held GPS. Never can tell when one may need the info - providing I could remember how it is done if the occasion should arise

Hope to let you know what exciting things we will see on my next post.

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