Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter - 2008

A short update - all are fine here in greater SD. Donna whomped up another wonderful meal for Erin, Jeff, Sam, Roberta, and two other friends of the family. All are gone now except for Roberta, and her dog Cooper. Donna is watching the NCAA basketball games with her bracket sheet next to her. She is somewhat of a wizard when it comes to making her picks.

Erin and Jeff have a meeting on Tuesday afternoon with the school district the outcome will be very interesting. I have a Dr. appoint just prior to the meeting so hopefully I will be able to attend it also.

Roberta and I are rested from the big feed and are ready for a few games on the WI.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

He is Back...

Well here is a much needed up date since it has been about 10 months since the last one. Although if anyone is interested I have set up a web album that may be of interest to some. It is located at: I have found it faster and easier to use than this site. But perhaps from here on I will have more time to keep this one up too.

December 1974 was the start of my adventures with Monarch Sales. 1977 marked the year that Donna and I purchased Monarch Sales from Vern and Verna Oakland. 1984 marked the year that we paid Vern and Verna off. February 1, 2008 marks the start of our retirement. We sold the company to Joel and Connie Pollema. Joel started full time with us after graduation from USD and has been a key player in what ever degree of success that we have achieved in the 21 years that he has been with us. Donna is finishing up the year end reports and when she has completed that, she will be 'done'. I will continue to work a much reduced schedule, maintain a handful of accounts, do some fishing, hunting, golfing, archery & bow hunting, and lend support to the our kids and to my Grandson Sam.

Our lives continue to revolve around our Grandson, Sam. When Sam has a good day so do we all. Unfortunately there have been a very few good days of late. Since Thanksgiving he has been really 'under the weather' with many really irritable times. After many doctor visits they admitted him to the hospital for, x-rays, cat scans, swallow tests and other general poking and prodding. Low and behold they found a rather serious infection deep in his little sinus cavity. And a 'pocket' of infection near his mastoid bone behind one ear. They flushed his sinuses, and started a series of antibiotics. After the third antibiotic cocktail it was decided to insert a pick line so the drugs could be feed more easily by IV. While all this was going on, test results came back that the little shaver also had MRSA virus. Then the 4th cocktail was whomped up. He spent 6 days in the hospital and was then discharged to the medicaly fragile unit of CCHS - Childrens Care Hospital and School. He has been at CCHS for the last 10 days and is on schedule to go home on Wednesday February 13. Erin and Jeff have traded off sleeping in his room and previously at the hospital for 16 straight days. Sam's two Grandmas, Joyce and Donna have also been tirelessly at his side through out the whole enduro. But he is coming around and if all goes as planned he will be going home shortly. Jeff and his father Larry started remodeling Sam's bedroom. They tore out the wall between Sam's bedroom and their guest bedroom, they will install a bathing tub and surround with sink for dirty diapers, etc. (thank God Larry is a home builder by trade and is a wizard at such projects) The larger space will allow for a lift to be used to move Sam from his bed, wheelchair, and to the tub, etc. Otherwise there just was not enough room to maneuver him around, and he is getting too heavy to carry.

Their fight with the school district continues and will start to really heat up shortly. They are just not providing the mandated services that Sam needs in order to reach his education goals. Time will tell how all this plays out so stay tuned. (CLICK on Erin and Jeff's blog site - listed on the left side - for some great pictures of Sam.)